commercial visit charge - 399
domestic visit charge - 299
[R-PRO visit / check point but customer deny or cancel lead at doorstep ] no work pay visit charge Convenience charge - 49 Time - 45 minuts
commercial charge - 399domestic charge - 299
Convenience charge - 49
[R-PRO visit / check point but customer deny or cancel lead at doorstep ] no work pay visit charge
Time - 30 minuts
solve issue with expert
commercial charge - 399
domestic visit charge 299
[R-PRO visit / check point but customer deny orcancel lead at doorstep ] no work pay visit charge
45 minuts
solve noise problem
work carefuylly
ladder provide by customer
domestic visit charge - 299 Convenience charge - 49
[R-PRO visit / check point but customer deny or cancel lead at doorstep ] no work pay visit chargeTime - 45 minuts
ladder and assist provide by customer
Domestic - visit charge - 299
proper work
fix by R-PRO
repair and fix by R-PRO
check and repair
repair by R-PRO
replace by R-PRO
check every point
take time
repair by expert R-PRO
check point
solve issue